
Please do not send your QSL to us via buro – they are not required.

For the specially Photo-paper QSLs please choose ONE of the following alternatives listed below:

DirectQQRS request via clublog.org and 2 USD.

BuroOQRS request on Clublog free of charge for all QSOs you need for both callsigns. Buro QSLs will be sent out in 3 months period.

Buro – if you don’t know how to use OQRS, send email to dl7uzo@gmx.de with data of all QSOs you need QSL for. Buro QSLs will be sent out in 6 months period.

Direct – send direct QSL with 2 USD + SASE using the address below:

Thomas Schlitt
Buschallee 82
13088 Berlin

Please choose and use just one method to request your paper QSL.

IOTA EU-030 2013IOTA EU-125 2015IOTA EU-171 2017
IOTA EU-125 2019